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Kair: Sorry, I assumed that being close to the officer who reported it would be a good thing. I’m trying to help you, if you won’t help yourself.. I’m new to the police side, so I’m not familiar with the specific rules. The officer who took the report will have to answer.
tbh I didn’t even try to reach out to the military service only. I have some connections though to the USMC and Army. Let me know if you would like me to get in contact with them for your situation.. Just did the quick search on their.
AzizGaming: The 25L is an option that was available for 3 Series as well. The key difference is that the 3 Series only comes with an i6 whereas the 25L comes with a GTI. I don’t know what year your GTI is but the only options for the 3 are 2001-2004 and 2006-2010.
Agent Ray: Oh, okay. I didn’t realize there was a button on the top left that let’s you set the value for the device as well as the only function right now is number of retries. You can go to the cb radio aibnet page for an example though. The base unit is set to 2 retries and there are 4 sliders for the radio.. I’m not sure if the option for 25L was actually there but the picutres in your link show that it was, so it must’ve been there in later years.
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