Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Full Movie Tagalog Version 13l |WORK|
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Full Movie Tagalog Version 13l |WORK|
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Full Movie Tagalog Version 13l
One day, on a special day, 8 children are chosen to come in and experience what life at the factory is like. Among them are Charlie Bucket’s family, Mr. Bucket, Grandpa Joe, Mike Teevee, Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt, Mike Teevee, and Violet Beauregarde, with Charlie’s ten-year-old sister, Becky, and Charlie’s best friend, Mike Teavee, tagging along in disguise.
The arrival of the Oompa Loompas, and the appearance of the Wonka Factory, starts a new era in Willy’s life. He’s been selling chocolate all over the world, but not anymore. He’s discovered something far greater than chocolate, and he wants to share it with the world!
The Oompa Loompas are at first uneasy at their new surroundings. Charlie’s family is welcomed into the factory, as well as a few other families, and they show them around. As the old Wonka plants himself back in the control room, ready to take a glimpse of what the next girl will be working on, he tells them not to open the doors before he gives the go-ahead.
Once the front doors are open, our heroes are treated to a fantastic view. The first room is where they get to enjoy the view of each different room in the factory. It has sliding windows with images of the different rooms on it. These rooms represent what the lucky kids will be working on for the next year. The rooms are: the bran room, the chocolate room, the room of new potatoes, the egg room, the peanut butter room, and the icing room.
Clarisse leads Charlie and the rest of the group into the chocolate room, and she begins the tour. First, she talks to Charlie’s Grandpa Joe, who is a very simple man. He tells Charlie and the rest of the group about life in the Wonka Factory. He tells them about the very interesting products that they come out with every day. The first product is a chocolate bar. The visitor bites into it, and he’s very surprised at how delicious it tastes.
Because of this, we can suppose that the film represents Charlie as both inside the book and outside the book. This would suggest that the epilogue represent the inside of Willy Wonka’s factory as being only loosely analogous to the real factory. Not so, the film insists, when the four children and their chaperones descend into what seems to be a fictional factory. This clearly represent an alternative reality to the one in which they had been trapped. So, in an ironic twist that draws on the fact that Dahl was a satirist, we find the children and their chaperones in a fantasy realm of their own. Through the child-like romps, we are invited to recognize the imaginary worlds that children create for themselves. As we see the children’s own fantasies played out on the factory’s candy-making machinery, we are reminded of that “inner world” that is often said to be reserved for children. But this also suggests that our own fantasies are real, and, as the children appear to be liberated from their boxes, we can also suppose that we are liberated from our own inner prisons.
So, are the children’s memories of the “factory’s” maze of terrifying machinery mere fantasies? When the children reach the rooms where the “eleven vats of chocolate” are held, do the children actually pass through the rooms? We see them climbing “an interminable staircase” that would seem to suggest that they actually do. But they are not shown moving toward the final vat of chocolate that awaits them.